Laura Nettles


Demo Reel Breakdown:
0:00 Intro
0:04 Carnival Row I was the Lead Lighter. Set extensions up and back. CG monorail cars, passengers and steam. CG fairy wings. Lit in Houdini, slap-composited in Nuke.
0:17 The Shape of Water I was the Assistant Lead Lighter. Made the water tank lighting HDA he swims in while bleeding. Lit his face and back fin in Houdini, slap-comped in Nuke.
0:25 Spider-Man: Now Way Home Lit the spider suit in Houdini. Slap-comp in Nuke.
0:27 Emancipation Lit the crumbling house and fire in Houdini, rendered with redshift. Slap-comp in Nuke.
0:30 Vikings Season 6 Lit the snake body and displaced mud in Houdini, rendered with renderman, animated the lightning intensities in Nuke
0:38 How It Ends Lit the fx clouds and lighting, pyro dust cloud, car kickup, and falling trees in Houdini. Rendered with redshift. Slap-comped in Nuke.
0:46 The Strain Season Season 4 Lit and slap comped the stinger from his mouth, and the glass he is holding. Slap-comped in Nuke.
0:50 How It Ends Lit the the beach he's standing on with all the debris in Houdini. Rendered with redshift. Slap-comped in Nuke.
0:56 Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities Lit the rats (small full cg and large puppet augmentations) in Houdini. Also lit drool. Rendered in Renderman.
1:03 Titans Season 4 CG tree with hanging bones. Lit in Houdini. Rendered with Redshift.
1:07 Wednesday Lit the piranhas in Houdini. Rendered in Redshift.
1:09 Resident Evil: The Final Chapter Lit the full CG city in Houdini. Lit the monster in Maya.