Laura Nettles
Tiny Shivers

A collection of all my own horror pieces. Fourteen of these tales are previously published.
From the ever reaching tentacles of Lovecraftian tradition to the foggy streets of Victorian Gothic, these tales roam. With the deadly alchemical weapons of invading aliens and screaming of tree roots, this collection of short fiction will send tiny shivers up your spine.
With horrific tales ranging from micro and flash to short stories, there are waking dreams to haunt all your spare moments.
Released: May 9, 2023.
YEAR FIVE: Dark Moments and Patreons
I have two drabbles in this anthology that were originally on the Black Hare Press Patreon:
"The Price of Ice-Cream." What is the true price from the ice-cream truck that drives at 3am?
"Devil's Tooth." Who harvests these mushrooms and why aren't they enough anymore?
Released: December 9, 2023

Ho Ho Ho (macabre minima)

I have four drabbles in this anthology:
"Threadbare" explores the dreaded Yule Cat.
"Undead Flight." What if the reindeer weren't quite alive?
"Hel Gifts" has a unique Christmas present involved.
"Frau Pertcha." A terrifying witch who flies at Epiphany.
Released: November 10, 2023
Black Hare Press Patreon: Outdoors
My 100 word horror "Devil's Tooth" is published to Black Hare Press' Patreon. A certain being is harvesting devil's tooth mushrooms in the forest...
Released: August 22, 2023.

Black Hare Press Patreon: 3AM

My 100 word horror "The Price of Ice-Cream" is published to Black Hare Press' Patreon. What is the true price for the tasty treat from a truck that shows up at 3am...
Released: June 29, 2023.
No Sleep Podcast: Season 19 Episode 15
"Soot Scamp" is the fourth story in episode 15 of season 19 of the No Sleep Podcast. Professionally narrated, I love what they did with the story. Come, give it a listen!
Released: May 15, 2023.

Lovecraftiana: Volume 8, Walpurgisnacht 2023

"Tentacles and Boomboxes." A 1980s Lovecraft LARP gone very very wrong, or right... Amber is recruited as the art major to make the Necronomicon for their LARP. The more tired she is the more the pages seem to make themselves.
Released: April 25, 2023.
Run Rabbit Run (Dark Drabbles Book 15)
"Strawberry Teeth" and "Stew" will be published in a rabbit themed horror anthology published by Black Hare Press. The first is about a rabbit in a lab where the experiment has unexpected side effects. The second, is a reversal of the rabbit stew. Fun times!
Releases: April 18, 2023.

Tales To Terrify

The flash fiction piece "Monster of Calumnia" is accepted to be on the podcast Tales to Terrify. In a designated land, far from prying eyes, a camp is constructed. A camp of pain and death and oppression. Those emotions of suffering don't stay abstract forever. They coalesce into something more. Something monstrous. It is read aloud in episode 579.
Released: March 3, 2023.
Love Me, Love Me Not: Dark tales of Love & Lust (Dark Drabbles Book 14)
"Devoured Heart," "Chloroform Cherries," "Valentine Papercuts" and "Conceived Curses" have been accepted to the anthology!
Released: January 31, 2023.

Black Hare Press: Year Four

This is a compilation of Dark Moments and Patreon stories from throughout 2022. I have a couple in here.
"Scarecrow" on page 131.
"Under The Bed" on page 214.
"Birth of a Nephilim" on page 251.
"Brain Waves" on page 276.
Released: January 2, 2023.
Wimbledon Common
My first ever middle grade horror story! "Ms. Sundew" has been accepted to be in the Black Hare Press charity anthology Wimbledon Common, set to come out sometime in 2022.
Jimmy's little sister and cat go missing, caught in the tendrils of the their plant lady neighbor. It's up to him to rescue his beloved pet, and tolerable sister, while not being turned into compost.
Released: November 26, 2022.

Black Petals Magazine

My flash fiction piece "Abduction" will be published in the Halloween issue of Black Petals Magazine October 2022. It's a sci-fi/horror story about a man abducted by aliens.
Released: Oct 15, 2022.
Nom Nom: Hallowe'en Dark Drabbles
I have four drabbles in this anthology: "Firefly Jack-O-Lanterns", "Shadow Cat", "Hallowed Fog" and "Satiated." I'm a featured author! So excited. The whole Black Hare Press anthology is based around Halloween.
Released: Oct 1, 2022.

Dark Moments: Zombie Apocalypse

My 100 word horror "Brain Waves" is published to Black Hare Press' website. A gruesome way to survive a zombie apocalypse using a pick axe...
Released: September 24, 2022.
Dark Moments: Nephilim
My 100 word horror "Birth of a Nephilim" is now published to Black Hare Press' website. A gruesome birth of the son of a fallen angel and mortal woman.
Released: August 24, 2022.

Lovecraftiana: Volume 7 Issue 2, Lammas Eve 2022

"The Boy In The Wallpaper." A Victorian Gothic/Lovecraftian horror flash fiction. An old man is abandoned to the attic nursery where a boy peels himself from the wallpaper's illustration. Where the child's left behind eyes should be are the voids of the cosmos.
Released: July 31, 2022.
Black Hare Press Patreon: Eldritch Abominati0n
"Under The Bed" is a horror micro fiction piece published on the Black Hare Press Patreon, and will eventually be in an anthology. The theme for May's dark moments fiction pieces was Eldritch Abominations. What if one was under a child's bed?
Releases July 19, 2022.

Trembling With Fear
My drabble of 100 words, "Abomination" was accepted by Horror Tree for Trembling with Fear. This is a story about seeing an eldritch being rise. It will be released online, and then again in an anthology at a later date.
Release: May 22, 2022.
Black Hare Press Patreon: Animal Farm
"Scarecrow" is a horror micro fiction piece published on the Black Hare Press Patreon, and will eventaully be in an anthology. The theme for April's dark moments fiction pieces was Animal Farm. My MC is a scarecrow looking over atrocities as they occur. 100 words exactly.
Released April 26, 2022.

Frost Zone Zine
"Fairy Godmother" is a horror flash fiction piece published on the Frost Zone Zine website and available to read for free. Angela learns the hard way the price for making a wish with her fairy godmother: bone.
Released March 7, 2022.
Twisted Pulp Issue #6
"Soot Scamp" is a sci-fi horror short story. Damien had never seen the rumored sun, living in a soot labyrinth. Now outcast to the edges of the labyrinth he struggles for survival. Huge monsters skitter, hunting by the sound of their prey's heartbeat.
Released June 10, 2021.


"Twisted Recovery" is featured in this anthology along side the works of my fellow Horror and Sci-Fi writers of Toronto. My story is about a mutation that occurs in a crew member on a spaceship.
Released June 3, 2021.
Hundred Word Horror: Cosmos
"Spiderweb" was featured in the Hundred Word Horror: Cosmos anthology by Ghost Orchid Press. This story is about an astronaut whose helmet is compromised.
"Memories in the Void" was also accepted. This one is a Lovecraftian creature consuming the memories of the protagonist.
Released May 26, 2021.

Hundred Word Horror: Beneath

Two stories were featured in the Hundred Word Horror: Beneath anthology by Ghost Orchid Press.
"Floaters" is about small squiggles floating in the protagonist's eyes forming letters.
"Screaming Darkness" takes place down in the Paris Catacombs.
Released April 28, 2021.
SHIVER: A Chilling Horror Anthology
"Frozen Retribution" is a horror short story published in the Shiver anthology. Jack Frost has had enough of humanity. They no longer appreciate his work and have lost their spark of life. After one last chance the humans fail to even notice his winter splendor so he snaps. Blizzards and death flow in his wake. He sucks people under snowbanks and the world shuts down. Mother Nature and Death devise a plan to put the frost sprite in place and bring about justice.
Released Jan 11, 2021.